Strong + Sensitive is a 14-day audio course that helps to increase your physical & mental strength so you can go from anxious, fearful, and lacking confidence TO calm, confident, and able to handle whatever life throws your way.
If you have chronic pain or symptoms in the body that are NOT coming from a physical cause (this condition is known as TMS), or you Highly Sensitive person (HSP), you are likely familiar with the following:
All of these things can cause emotional or mental burnout and even unpleasant physical, chronic sensations in the body.
If this described you, you need to get started with building MENTAL, EMOTIONAL and PHYSICAL resilience in order to start to feel more confident in yourself. That in turn will help you to relieve chronic pain.
You may wonder what strength training has to do with it all, so here's what I've seen time and time again:
In my experience, strength training is one of the best tools to build both physical strength and mental empowerment that people with chronic symptoms as well as HSPs really need.
Strength training can be done with just bodyweight if you are a beginner, but you can also use dumbbells if you have them and if you already have some experience. There's something so empowering about moving your body, pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone, and getting through a challenging exercise! It really translates into your life outside of the workout too because as a HSP / person with TMS, we have similar experiences in life all the time.
Life requires strength, overcoming obstacles and proving to ourselves over and over again that we can handle hard things.
No matter where you're at, and even if you still have chronic pain -- you can get started with strength training, and this program will give you the exact tools for it.
With this program, you will combine the mindset tools and strength training and as a result build more strength and confidence than you thought possible!
But don't take my word for it...
Here is how people from my own coaching practice who had TMS or who are HSPs described how they felt before they started lifting weights, and how they do now, months or years later.
Strong + Sensitive brings together mindset tools that both people with chronic symptoms and HSPs need in order to get mentally stronger and more confident, plus it teaches how to use strength training to support that.
During the course of 14 days, you will get an audio lesson into your inbox every day. These lessons are between 7-20 minutes long and explore some of the traits and behaviors that common to those suffering from chronic TMS symptoms, such as people pleasing, difficulties with boundary setting, dealing with guilt, managing anxiety, and more. It will offer the tools for that you need to build more confidence and handle anything that life throws your way!
I believe that strength training is one of the best tools that helps people with chronic symptoms as well as HSPs to gain not only physical strength but also build mental empowerment! This course comes with 3 strength workouts that you will rotate twice during the course. There are two different versions -- one for beginners, using bodyweight only, and the other for more experienced lifters, using dumbbells. Everyone can do them!
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